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Running in plastic: adidas’ purposeful pursuit to end plastic waste (& become sustainable)

The Prelude:

I always found it ironic how running, an activity that can cause breathlessness, actually helps me breathe. I’m not talking breathing in the respiratory sense, but in the mental-health sense.

I started running about 16 years ago and haven’t stopped since. Running is “me-time”. It is the one hour where I have the opportunity to decide what I want to think about. I can decide if I want to (figuratively) work out all of the things that are bothering me, dream about winning the lottery, or if I could only buy one designer bag, which one would it be (by the way I still haven’t figured that one out yet...thoughts/ideas are welcome!)

The best runs are the ones where I can overlook the sea while breathing in the fresh salty air. One is instantly reminded of the beauty in nature. At the same time, looking at the endless blue water often puts things into perspective: there are things in life that are bigger than oneself that one cannot control. One can choose to look at that one wave, at the same time one can also decide to take a step back and look at the ocean as a whole. These types of reminders from the sea are a priceless gift of empowerment.


The Point:

What I tend to forget when overlooking the ocean is that there are many things we do, and use, daily that destroy the stunning world we live in. I know that, at times, I (unintentionally) use/do something that hurts the world we live in and that I don’t always get it right. However, I try my best. And given my passion for running, one of the ways I try to ‘get it right’ is by working out in clothes that are sustainable (and cute!).

Adidas is one of the sporting goods companies that seems to be ‘getting this sustainability thing right’ (#NOTSPONSORED). I have spent hours going though their Sustainability Strategy and how they are working to become a sustainable company (from a people and product perspective). Let me tell you, they are doing a lot. Nonetheless, to prevent this from becoming a novel, I’ll try to stay focused on what they are doing to end plastic waste:

Since 2015, adidas has worked with an environmental organisation called “Parley for the Oceans”. The adidas X Parley products are made of plastic waste from beaches and coastal regions. The success of this line, along with their desire to be sustainable, has recently led adidas to create new fabrics made from recycled polyester and marine plastic waste.

“That sounds great, right?” I said to my husband.

“Yes, but do they actually use it. What about all those sports jerseys?…” (I don’t remember what else he said, but it was a long list and I was too busy preparing my response, which was excellent given my expertise in their Sustainability Strategy)

“Yes, they do. In fact, by 2024 they will only use recycled polyester. Also, this year they will produce 15 to 20 million pairs of shoes using recycled plastic waste from beaches and coastal regions…” I quickly realised that while I could ramble on and on about this it would probably be more effective to show him adidas’ Sustainability graphic (see below) and save my breath for my run.

Adidas’ commitment to sustainability, paired with my passion for running and gratitude to the oceans and beaches, means that most of my workout clothes are from Adidas. Wearing it gives a peace of mind that (while I don't always get it right) I am doing my best to help make this world a better place.

Below are some of my favourite sustainable pieces from adidas:


Happy trotting,



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